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Swedish Massage

Holistic & Massage Therapy Treatments


Swedish Massage

A truly relaxing massage treatment to ease tension, improve circulation and promote a sense of well being.

60 mins £50.00

30 mins £30.00

Aromatherapy Massage

Inhale, relax and enjoy the benefit of a blissful “aroma” massage using 100% pure essential oils to help bring

your mind and body into harmony. 

60 mins £50.00

30 mins £35.00


Deep Tissue Massage    

An intensive massage treatment designed to release chronic muscle tension, help break up scar tissue & improve range of motion

60 mins £55.00

30 mins £35.00


Relaxing Head Massage (30 mins) £30.00

A soothing massage to the head, scalp,face,  neck and shoulders to help relieve stress and reduce tension.  It can also help to ease migraine and headache pain, lower blood pressure, improve circulation to your head and neck and promote hair growth.  A choice of oils can be used to promote further relaxation.

Relaxing Foot Massage (30 mins) £30.00

Foot massage is rejuvenating and boosts your circulation.  It also helps reduces stress and tension and generally relaxes the whole body.  Using pressure to specific reflexology points in the foot, this treatment can enhance overall well being.

Hopi Ear Candling (30 mins) £30.00

Hopi Ear Candles is a painless non-invasive treatment which can benefit conditions affecting the head and ears such as sinus congestion, ear noises and excessive ear wax.  The rising air through the column of the candle and the gentle natural movement of the flame serve to gently massage the ear drum.  This treatment incorporates acupressure to sinus points and a gentle massage to the face and neck


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